A safe and supportive environment for your path to a healthy life

Personalized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs and goals.

Our team of experienced healthcare professionals takes the time to listen to your concerns and work with you to create a treatment plan that's right for you. We can help you take control of your health and get back to doing the things you love.


You deserve to live a healthy and active life

Benefits of working with Ohana Health

Personalized care

Based on your specific needs and goals.


Understanding your body and what you need.

Confidence to live a more active life

We give you the tools to be your best.

Ohana Health

Nurse Practitioner Owned and Operated

Book an appointment today and take the first step towards a happier, healthier life.


A Team You Can Trust

Combined 24 years of Experience In The Healthcare Industry

Stephanie and Lila both have a passion for health care, this is why they have decided to serve the public as Family Nurse Practitioners.  With a combined 23 years of experience in the health care industry, they have an array of talents to offer the entire family.  


Let us take care of your family, as we would our own

Ohana means family.
Book An Evaluation

Book An Evaluation

Schedule an evaluation with someone from our team so we can get to know you.
Get Custom Treatment

Get Custom Treatment

Work with us as we develop a custom treatment plan tailored to you and your goals.
Start Seeing Improvement Immediately

Start Seeing Improvement Immediately

Gain confidence in your every day life.

Take the First Step Towards Better Health

Expert care and personalized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs. Schedule Your Appointment Today.